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[Sanders 2016c]
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[Gaens, Van Lith-Droogleever Fortuijn & Sanders 2016]
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[Struijk 2016]
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[Hoekx-Sanders 2016]
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[Van Dijk-Van Schijndel 2016]
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[Gaens & Sanders 2016]
Reliquiae chartarum capituli generalis 1851-1906 (Ms. Grande Chartreuse 1 Cart. 16), 3 dln., Salzburg, 2016, 122, 133, 168 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 100:47:1-3)
[Bastin, Henel & Hogg 2016]
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[Hogg 2016b]
The transmission and appropriation of the Vita of Christina Mirabilis in Carthusian communities, in: Mathilde Van Dijk, José van Aelst & Tom Gaens (eds.), Faithful to the Cross in a moving world: Late medieval Carthusians as devotional reformers, Leiden, 2016, 80-105 (= Church history and religious culture, 96:1-2)
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[Van Dijk 2016]
1514: la canonisation de Saint Bruno dans l'Ordre Cartusien. Jalons pour la construction d'une mémoire, in: Sylvain Excoffon & Coralie Zermatten (eds.), Histoire et mémoire chez les Chartreux (XIIe-XXe siècles). Actes du Colloque international du CERCOR (24-27 juin 2015), Saint-Étienne, 2017, 17-52 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 219)
[Paravy 2017]