EPAPER: The Charterhouse near 's-Hertogenbosch and Its Connection with the Studio of Jheronimus Bosch (1466-1515)

A few kilometres from the city walls of ‘s-Hertogenbosch an imposing Carthusian monastery was built in the decades around 1500. Its construction coincided with the period when Jheronimus Bosch was a successful painter in that city. Documents proving that he worked for the monastery do not exist. However, there were several direct and indirect forms of contact between the monastery on the one hand and important persons and institutions in the city that held relations with Bosch on the other hand.

CONFERENCE: The London Charterhouse before and after Its Suppression in 1538

'In great austerity, in perfect humility, and with admirable patience'. The London Charterhouse before and after Its Suppression in 1538
Saturday, 3 September; 09:15-18:00
The Charterhouse, Charterhouse Square, London, UK

CONFERENCE: Kartausen und Kartäuser. Zwischen Gebet und Grundherrschaft (30/8-2/9/2016)


Meta Niederkorn (Institut für Geschichte, Wien)
Sylvain Excoffon (Faculté SHS, Université Jean-Monnet, St.Étienne)
Coralie Zermatten (Technische Universität Dresden)
Thomas Aigner (Diözesanarchiv St. Pölten)

More details: see attachment

CONFERENCE: Da Bruno a Lanuino. L’esperienza monastica dell’eremo di S. Maria della Torre

IX centenario della morte del beato Lanuino (1116 – 2016) - Convegno di studi

In morte quoque non sunt divisi. Da Bruno a Lanuino. L’esperienza monastica dell’eremo di S. Maria della Torre

Serra San Bruno (IT), Museo della Certosa
17-18 June 2016

NEW: Special issue of CHRC on Carthusians as devotional reformers

Church History and Religious Culture, Volume 96, Issue 1-2
Faithful to the Cross in a Moving World: Late Medieval Carthusians as Devotional Reformers

In memoriam Francis Timmermans (Laken, 17/7/1937 - Brussel, 19/11/2015)

Na een professionele carrière op de hoofdzetel van AG Verzekeringen in Brussel, kwam Francis Timmermans pas in de jaren 1990 via archeologische opgravingen met de kartuizerorde in contact. Geboeid door de archeologie, bood hij spontaan zijn hulp als vrijwilliger aan bij een aantal opgravingscampagnes, onder meer in Frankrijk, waar hij kennismaakte met de professionele archeoloog dr. Jean-Luc Mordefroid (Unité de Recherche Archéologique Cartusienne, URAC).

E-PAPER: Five Steps Downhill

Five Steps Downhill. The typological sequence of Carthusian architectural adaption to new surroundings
Elke Nagel

Architecture provides a shell for monastic life ever since. More than others, the eremitic order of the Carthusians relies on seclusion from the world by the built environment. This contribution to session 516 of the Leeds International Medieval Congress 2015 summarises the results of a PhD research project run at Technische Universität München between 2006 and 2012 on Carthusian Architecture.

CALL FOR PAPERS: Kartausen und Kartäuser zwischen Gebet und Grundherrschaft

Zur Funktion von Kartausen in ihrem sozioökonomischen Umfeld

Internationale Tagung
In der ehemaligen Kartause Aggsbach

COLLOQUIUM: The Virtual Library of the Charterhouse of Gaming

Location: Marietta-Blau-Saal, University of Vienna Main Building, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria.
Time: November 9, 2015, 5:15 PM.

This year's Colloquium historico-criticum is organised jointly with the Austrian Institute of Historical Research and is simultaneously the 185th Seminar of the AIHR.
